The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Bahasa Indonesia

Game Master, 게임마스터

Di tengah kehidupan sehari-hari yang monoton dan membosankan, sebuah permainan muncul seolah-olah itu adalah takdir – “Heroes Destiny”. Setelah menghabiskan sepuluh tahun memainkannya, saya akhirnya menyelesaikan permainan itu, tetapi yang tersisa hanyalah kekosongan karena harus kembali ke kehidupan biasa. Pada saat itu, sebuah pesan muncul di layar: “Apakah Anda menginginkan petualangan baru?” [Ya/Tidak] Tanpa saya sadari, saya akan terbangun di tubuh yang tidak dikenal dan tempat yang tidak dikenal. “Ingat, saya sekarang adalah Calix Shaekin.” Dan dengan demikian… “Saya akan menjadi protagonis dunia ini!”

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The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 1The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 2The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 3The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 4The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 5The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 6The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 7The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 8The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 9The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 10The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 11The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 12The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 13The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 14The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 15The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 16The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 17The Reversal of My Life as a Side Character Chapter 41 Gambar 18