The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Bahasa Indonesia


Seorang siswa SMA biasa berprofesi sebagai asasin saat malam hari. Bocah bermuka dua, Aragi Kai. Teman-teman sekelas membencinya, karena sikapnya yang anti-sosial dan auranya yang aneh. Pada suatu hari, Aragi dan teman-teman sekelasnya tiba-tiba berpindah ke dunia lain. Dunia yang penuh dengan sihir dan pedang. Muncul seorang wanita yang menyebut dirinya sebagai Leonora, lalu mengumumkan… “Kalian adalah ‘Kandidat Pahlawan’ yang dipanggil ke sini untuk mengalahkan Raja Iblis. Tolong bantu kami.” Leonora memberkati mereka dengan: ‘Divine Protection’. Berkat itu bisa berupa telekinesis, ledakan dahsyat, sedangkan milik Aragi berupa ‘penghakiman’. Skill yang membuat penggunanya bisa melihat targetnya secara detail, tapi karena dia selalu menyendiri, dia diejek karena punya skill yang tak berguna. Namun, dia bergerak di dunia paralel dengan kemampuannya sebagai asasin dan sikapnya yang tenang…

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The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 1The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 2The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 3The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 4The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 5The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 6The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 7The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 8The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 9The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 10The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 11The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 12The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 13The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 14The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 15The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 16The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 17The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 18The Strongest Assassin Gets Transferred to Another World With His Whole Class Chapter 65 Gambar 19